Patience: "The quality of being patient" by Merriam-Webster.
Say it isn't so, but this pot o' water just ain't boilin' yet! I now count four more bona fide, true blue, absolute reasons that justify Chop and I keeping our plans on the down-low: January, February, March, and April. The anticipation is excruciating. Never, not ever, any chance, or even anytime would I want my parents to suffer this painfully long wait with me. Never. Do I really remember schools taking this long to post teaching openings? Ack ... yes! I do! From the moment I submitted my original application, I ... knew ... that ... I ... would ... need ... to ... be ... patient. And that is exactly why I'm in crybaby mode. Not that I'm counting, but 112 days have passed, and I don't have any more news now than I did then.
So, I have touched base with the principal and the county offices periodically as respectfully expected. I've finalized my professional education portfolio - of which I am quite proud, if I must [humbly] admit. I also have a daily ritual, of not obsession, about checking the automated system that posts any new openings, etc. So far, it is ALL QUIET on the southernmost front. And on cloudy, cold, rainy Virginia days, this bothers me. No one loves me. The sky is falling. It's all over before it even had a chance to begin. But on sunny, balmy, breezy, almost-summery days like today, there is hope again. I believe - so assuredly, categorically believe - that I am on the cusp of some news soon.