I happened across this comment from someone responding to a parent inquiring about raising children in the Keys. How utterly, rudely, despicably obnoxious to make such a presumption! Who is this ignoramus and how dare he or she offer such fact-devoid advice to a parent seeking responsible information?! I was so ready to viciously pounce back on my keyboard when I realized the comment had been written nearly four years ago. Needless to say, I felt a small hiccup of air fizzle out of my balloon, and a much-delayed response would likely fall flat.
However, this girl needs to vent.
Here's what I'd like to blast back to that idiot:
County FCAT Results Best State Average
Monroe County (which covers all schools from Key West to Key Largo) 9th- and 10th-graders bested the statewide average in the reading component of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, which was made harder to pass this year. While half of Florida's sophomore class failed to reach grade level for FCAT 2.0 reading, 59 percent of Monroe County 10th-graders did earn the required passing score in order to graduate, according to results released Friday.
Fifty-two percent of the state's ninth-graders passed the reading exam, while in Monroe County, 56 percent of freshmen hit passing levels of 3 on the five-level test. Florida students are headed in the right direction when it comes to getting closer to reaching national academic standards, the state's top education official said Friday.
"We are asking more from our students and teachers than we ever have, and I am proud of their hard work," state Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson said. "Florida's higher standards help ensure students are learning what they are expected to know so that they are prepared for college, career, and life. As Florida transitions to higher standards and higher expectations, we can expect our assessment results to reflect those changes."
Or this...
Monroe County is an "A" Rated District
For the seventh year in a row, the Monroe County School District has been recognized as an "A" rated school district with outstanding achievement throughout the Florida Keys. Monroe County is ranked 9th out of 67 counties in the state.
Or here are a couple of fact-based data charts :
(Yes, I'm still fuming over the pure poison infused in that poster's words!)
I also take this as a deeply personal offense (from this complete moron of a stranger, mind you). My own 5th grade classes achieved the highest Reading FCAT scores in all of Monroe County's public schools while every other public school dropped significantly with this year's raised scoring standards. The highest! Yes, I'm very proud of my students, even the ones that spent good portions of their energies driving me mad. And yes, I want to pat myself on the back a little too. Of course! My 4th grade teammate, a incredibly talented, educated, and experienced teacher scored the second highest in the county for Reading. And yet even one more fabulous teammate (yes, I am this lucky!), an experienced marine biology teacher, scored highest for the 5th grade Science FCAT. So well-deserved! The catch? We don't even teach to the test in our school. We teach to the differentiated needs of our students.
Booze and drugs ... really??
Lest one accuses me of making my judgements based "simply" on public records or the personal experiences within one school, I'd like to
... what if she's really a rum runner in disguise?!
Take that coconut and