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Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sort of. I guess it's really anticlimactic. I received two bits of information yesterday that I can squirrel away in my mind-whirling brain for now. First, my general application to Monroe County officially is complete, approved, and on file. I received notice yesterday. Yay!! Second, the principal at Sigsbee responded to my inquiry by letting me know that my application and resume have been received and will be retained until positions for the 2011-12 school year are identified.


Did I expect anything different, really? No. Not logically. It's simply too early for most schools to announce their staffing requirements quite yet. Secretly, of course, I had hoped that I could sneak in an early interview far and long before any openings would be posted simply because I had all my ducks lined up first. As if ... um, my ducks are better than your ducks, right? Hmf. Dumb ducks. Now I have to wait again. I told Chop I feel like a groundhog. Pop my head up with anticipation. Get the beat-down. Scurry back into my hole. Wait three more months during the dead of winter. Then emerge as a butterfly. Whoops ... wrong animal. Oy, that's what I get for queuing up so early.

Pep talk to self: I have done everything I can do for now. Sit back. Breath. Attempt New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle. Wait my turn. It would be three months before I finish puzzle anyway.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two Weeks Later and One Bloody Nose

Ah-ha! Got your attention, did I not? It's been one of those days ... and it's only Tuesday. The bloody nose? Legit. My darling son zonked me (quite accidentally, mind you!) with the back of his head and nailed me right on the schnozzle. After nearly passing out from the sight of my own blood and icing down my beak for an hour, I think I may actually survive. Shoot me maybe, but I'll be fine.

Two weeks have passed and no word back yet on my teaching application with Sigsbee Charter. Granted, I'm ridiculously early in my submission, and I think I've always taken the risk of being too prepared, if that's possible. Yet still, I'm anxious. Recommendation letters have been making their way down to the Monroe County School Board with my eternal gratitude, and a lovely human voice (gasp!) attached to the name Sonja has been so helpful in Human Resources that I look forward to meeting her in person. It may have been the first time I really stopped and smiled today. Not like me. Not to smile, that is. Really.

I sent my first follow-up to Sigsbee today and hope they will be able to share some insight on my status. I begin my next grad class again tomorrow, and the next few months are bound to be a blur of busy once again. With all good luck, I'll have some news to share soon enough!

In the meantime, I believe it's 5 o'clock somewhere ... and this momma could use moment of red-vintaged downtime. Chop is traveling for work this week, and I miss him on days like today. In just a bit, my littlest guy will be snuggled in to sleep for the night ... and tomorrow ... well, tomorrow is another day.

I know. Simply profound.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Making It Real: The Application

Five minutes ago I clicked the "send" button in my Gmail account. This followed 10 minutes of heart palpitations and triple-checking the recipient's email address for errors. It's official. I formally applied to teach at Sigsbee Charter School for the 2011-12 school year, as well as any potential openings within the public schools of Monroe County. Now I can only hope my most recent documents have made it safely across the cyber fields into the Sigsbee inbox. The next board meeting is in two days, January 6th. I don't know if that means anything in particular except that I would love to see my application package find its way to the monthly agenda ... even if it's in a small corner, an overflow topic. Even a water cooler conversation would be lovely! Do you sense those extra warm and fuzzy vibes in the air, Key West? They're coming from me right now. This is a big step, this application. Big. But for now, with fingers and toes crossed, I respectfully wait.

In the meantime, here's to a productive week ahead. Our Christmas tree is down, and our holiday decorations are packed up for the season. For all the weeks we fret over our festive plans, there is something beautifully refreshing about starting a new year once again. From our family to yours, we wish you a wonderful Happy New Year! Thank you for hanging in there with us so far, and may so very many of your wishes for 2011 become your realities.

Many cheers!